महिला दिन
2 July 2020
महिला दिन
2 July 2020Shri. Arun Dattatraya Narke

M r. Arun Dattatraya Narke (M.Sc. Agri) the Father of the Foundation gives his great contribution to Commercial, Educational, Sports, Social & cultural areas. Mr. Narke has been working as the President/Director of ‘Gokul’, Kolhapur Zilha Sahakanri Dudh Utpadan from 1978 to 2015. He serves as the president, Youth Development Coopp. Bank Ltd, & VicePresident at Maharashtra state coopp. Marketing Foundation, Mumbai.
Mr. Narke achieves the most prestigious post of vice president at Kumbhi Kasari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Kuditre. Besides, he is the Trustee at Maharashtra Institute of Research & Development. He is the member of Mahatma Fule Krushi vidhyapith, Rahuri & Vidhi Sabha member at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He works as the president, Vishva Prakruti Nidhi Bharat, Kolhapur.
He is Vice President of Western India Football Association, Mumbai & Kolhapur sports Association, Kolhapur. He works as advisor for Rashtriya Andha KalyanSangha, Kolhapur.
Mr. Narke has been working as the Chairman, Indian Dairy Association, Mumbai, the President at Maharashtra Rajyasangha. Dairy, Mumbai. Vice President at Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi. He also participated in 4 th International milk production conference, New Delhi. He arranged foreign study tours for Dairy to Italy, Denmark, Nederland, France, America.
For the great contribution Mr. Narke has rewarded by so many awards. He is rewarded by Dr. Vargis Kuriyan Award (1997 – 98), Shiv. Chhatrapati. Yuva Award (1989), Vanashri Award (1992), Fai Foundation Award Ichalkaranji (1994), Vijayratna Award (1997), International Excellency Award (1997), Gold Medal for Gokul (1997), Vasantrao Naik Krushibhushan Award (1998), Rashtriya Utpadakta Parishad, Navi Delhi ( is Awards), Kolhapur Bhushan Award (2003) & Kai. Narubhai Nimaye Smruti Aryabhushan Award ( 2012)